Bot Shockr is a 2D Arcade Platformer where you gather up scrap parts and build robots for your evil boss while surviving the chaotic environment around the factory.

You play as Shockr, a silly lil' guy who works for Bowler (The one from Machinannihilation, another game of mine) while building all sorts of robots for the latter's evil schemes.

However, some fellers just can't let Shockr work, let it be the police, other robots or a literal bomb. This leaves him to beat the crap out of these bystanders so he can work in peace.

In this game we take a look at the daily life of our friend Shockr, moving around, grabbing and throwing stuff and shoulder tackling weirdos.

Warning: When playing for the first time, the CONTINUE option will be present, it just leads you to the menu again. However, it does take you to the correct stage once you beat it.


  • Ten stages to play across the robot factory; from simple tasks to ease in to more difficult challenges to master.
  • Four different enemies scattered through the levels, each with their own behavior and twists; Go and meet them all!
  • Two songs that play throughout the stages (along with some other miscellaneous songs for menus and stuff)
  • A rank system (doesn't save though) for those aiming to replay stages to aim for high scores.
  • Level selection screen after you beat the game. Neato!


Download 49 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download the .ZIP file
  2. Extract using your preffered method.
  3. Open the .exe file

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