Update 3 Announcement!

Alright so the game got a HUGE increase in popularity because of the SuperBooglet video that came out yesterday. Here's the graph of the downloads of the PC version as well as browser plays:


You can clearly see the spike compared to the days before (the game was almost dead lol) So I decided why not give the game another update?

That's right Update 3 will be real  anytime soon so for now you can have a list of what i'll add in the update:

  • The  Doise: You'll finally be able to murder blue Noise (Don't worry he won't die permanently)
  • Bugfixing: I've seen many of you mentioning a crash related to the shop. I haven't experienced the error myself so I never got to fix it (also i was lazy as hell to deal with it)
  • Extra Gamemodes: Now there will be more ways to play the game! From golfing to surviving the zombie apocalypse!
  • More Upgrades: Remember when I said that Power and Bounce were all you'll ever need? It was not enough so there will be more things you can do to increase your score even further.
  • More Cosmetics: More characters and maps to kill people in.
  • Multiplayer! (Local and Online): Forget about "Settle it in Smash" and fight with your friends (or random strangers) to see who can shred The Noise the hardest. This one is a bit of a stretch since adding multiplayer takes a while but if it doesn't happen in Update 3, I'll do it in the next update.
  • And maybe a few more things

So yeah that's pretty much all I wanted to share. The update will probably take a while because the sheer amount of content I'll be adding along with the multiplayer so be patient idk.

Get Kill The Noise Simulator

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